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Karwa chauth 2024

करवा चौथ 2024: शुभ मुहूर्त, पूजा विधि और दैनिक राशिफल

करवा चौथ का पावन पर्व हिंदू धर्म में विवाहित महिलाओं के लिए करवा चौथ का व्रत विशेष महत्व रखता है। यह व्रत अपने पति की लंबी उम्र और सुखी वैवाहिक जीवन के लिए रखा जाता है। इस वर्ष करवा चौथ 2024 को मनाया जा रहा है। आइए जानते हैं इस पर्व के बारे में विस्तार से।

करवा चौथ 2024 की तिथि और शुभ मुहूर्त

तिथि: 20 अक्टूबर, 2024 (रविवार)

चतुर्थी तिथि प्रारंभ: 20 अक्टूबर को प्रात: 6:46 बजे

चतुर्थी तिथि समाप्त: 21 अक्टूबर को प्रात: 4:16 बजे

करवा चौथ पूजा मुहूर्त: शाम 5:46 से 7:02 बजे तक

व्रत समय: प्रात: 6:25 से शाम 7:54 बजे तक

चंद्रोदय: शाम 7:54 बजे

 करवा चौथ की पौराणिक कथा

करवा चौथ की उत्पत्ति के बारे में कई पौराणिक कथाएं प्रचलित हैं। एक कथा के अनुसार, द्रौपदी ने अपने पांडव पतियों की रक्षा के लिए यह व्रत रखा था। एक अन्य कथा के अनुसार, पार्वती जी ने भगवान शिव को पाने के लिए यह व्रत रखा था।

Read More :- संतान ज्योतिष  | कुंडली में ऋण

 करवा चौथ पूजा विधि

सामग्री: करवा, दीपक, रोली, चंदन, फूल, मिठाई, फल, धूप, दीप, नारियल आदि।


सुबह स्नान करके साफ-सुथरे वस्त्र धारण करें।

पूजा स्थल को साफ-सुथरा करके सजाएं।

करवे में जल भरकर उसमें दीपक जलाएं।

भगवान शिव, माता पार्वती और गणेश जी की पूजा करें।

व्रत कथा सुनें।

शाम को चंद्रमा को अर्घ्य दें।

अपने पति से आशीर्वाद लें।

फिर व्रत का पारण करें।

करवा चौथ के लिए दैनिक राशिफल

अपनी राशि के अनुसार, आप करवा चौथ के दिन क्या कर सकते हैं, इसकी जानकारी दैनिक राशिफल से प्राप्त कर सकते हैं दैनिक राशिफल में आपको आपके लिए शुभ रंग, अंक, और उपाय बताए जाते हैं। इससे आप अपने व्रत को और अधिक सफल बना सकते हैं।

करवा चौथ की शुभकामनाएं

हम आप सभी को करवा चौथ की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं देते हैं। इस पावन पर्व पर आप सभी के जीवन में खुशियां ही खुशियां आए। आपका वैवाहिक जीवन के लिए ज्योतिष परामर्श

अन्य महत्वपूर्ण बातें

सरगी: सुबह उठकर सरगी खानी चाहिए। सरगी में मेवे, फल, और मिठाई शामिल होती है।

चंद्रमा को देखना: शाम को चंद्रमा को छलनी से देखकर अर्घ्य देना चाहिए।

पति से आशीर्वाद लेना: व्रत खोलने से पहले अपने पति से आशीर्वाद लेना चाहिए।


करवा चौथ का पर्व केवल एक व्रत नहीं है, बल्कि यह अपने जीवनसाथी के प्रति प्रेम और समर्पण का प्रतीक है। इस दिन किए गए सभी कार्य आपके रिश्ते को और भी मजबूत बनाएंगे। इस पर्व पर शांति और समृद्धि की कामना करते हुए, सभी को करवा चौथ की शुभकामनाएं! वैवाहिक जीवन की समस्याओं का समाधान

आपके लिए करवा चौथ की इस खास मौके पर सभी सुख और समृद्धि की कामना करते हैं।

किसी भी विशिष्ट मुद्दे के लिए, मेरे कार्यालय @ +91 9999113366 से संपर्क करें। भगवान आपको एक खुशहाल आनंद जीवन प्रदान करें।

8th day of Navratri

नवरात्रि का अतुवान दिन : महागूरी की पूजा विधि अवर शुब मुहूर्त

Navratri is a special religious festival in which various rituals and worship methods are organized. है दिन का अपना एक शिशिष्टी फोटा है है, अॉर अवावान दिन, जीसे अश्तमी या महाअश्तमी कहा जाता है is very important. This is the eighth form of Maa Durga, Maa Mahagauri is worshiped. Come on, let’s know the importance of this day, the worship method and other important information.

अव्यार्टर के अगुवेन दिन का अभिब्च का

नवरात्री अश्तमी का दिन/ 8 th day of Navratri मान महागूरी को प्रभाद है मान का यह स्वरूप अज्ञा करुनामाय अवर सुम्य है जो भी भक्ता अश्तमी पूजा करता है वह जीवन की दिधिकाइन से मुक्टा है। By worshiping Maa Mahagauri, all sins, hardships and sorrows end, and the devotees fulfill all their desires. मा को अन्नपूर्ना, अश्वर्य देने वाली अवर चितन्यमायी के नाम जा जाता है.

नवरात्र के अथावेन दिन का शुब मुहूर्ट

This year, the eighth day of Navratri will come on October 10, 2024.
अश्तमी तिथी अग्या : 10 अक्तुर ,
जुब्द्वर 12:31 PM

मान महागूरी को भोग अवर बीज मन्त्र

इस दिन, अर्पित कार्ण का भोगी का माहागूरी को निरायोक या निकरियो से बनी मितहाइन का बोग. ন্রিক্র ল্ড্ডু বানাক্র আরিট্র ক্রান কিষি ফ্লালাযে মনাত

Read More :- संतान जोटिस्ति   | क्या मुजे कबही संतान होगी | कुंदली में उन्य

ন্র্যারি ল্ডুদু কিধে কিধি :

  1. कासा हुा निरोजिक अच्ची आचन पर भूनें.
  2. अधे से भूनें अधे से भूनें
  3. தானு होने पर लडडू बाना लें अॉर मान को भोग चधाईं.

मान महागूरी का बीज मन्त्र :

श्री क्लीं हरीम वरडायआ नमः

pooja vidhi

  1. सुबह स्नान कर सुच्च वस्टर व्यारिं.
  2. चूकी को साफ करें अवर गांगाजल पर्चुजेन
  3. turn on the lamp.
  4. Chant 11 times of Bhagwan Ganesh.
  5. मान महागूरी का अधिक करें अवर अस्मा जिन्य मान्त्र
    से समार्क करेण :
  6. माता को कुमकुम का तिलक लाग्त आवर कल्श का पूजन करेन.
  7. ארפיט ערפיט ערפין אור दुप देप जालें
  8. अर्तु फाल आवर चावल की खीर का भोग रपित करें.
  9. दुर्गा सप्तशती का पाथ करें अवर आरती गाई.

मान महागूरी की काता

Mother Parvati did severe penance to get Lord Shiva as her husband, due to which her body became black. Lord Shiva was pleased with his penance and bathed him in Ganga water, so that his form became glorious. That’s why they are called mahagauri.

मान महागूरी की आरती

Shraddha se maa mahagauri ka dhyana samaa aarti singa :

ॐ ॐ जय जा महागौरी मैया ॐ ॐ जय जा महागौरी

ॐ ॐ जय जा महागौरी मैया ॐ ॐ जय जा महागौरी

दमरु ट्रिशुलधारिनी का नाष्ट कारे माया पापोन का राषेन वृषभ वाहेन पे विराजे

श्वेत वस्टर माटा का चावि है मनभावन मायया फैवि है मान से पुकारो

गुर वर्न मैया का साधक रहे पर्सना मैया साधक रहे श्र्द्डा पुस्प्च चधाय पुवन कर लो मन

अश्तमी नवराते में पूजा माँ की करो पूजा माँ की करो माँ विपडा है मितताती

Avatar Leo दक्ष ग्रीह लीला निराली की माया लीला निराली की शिव वैरागी खोये शिव वैरागी खोये मोहीनी थी डारी

शरनागत की रक्षक मात भवानी तुम मता भवानी तुम सुन लो माता अरज तुम द्वार आये तेरे हम ॐ जय जा महागूरी

मन्दिर में माउ तेरे सादा ही सुच बरसे मैया सादा ही सुक बरसे अन् धन सब मू पावे

माउ महागौरी की आरती जो नर नित गावे मैया जो नर नित गावे भाव सिंधु से तरे वो व्याधि मित जावे

ॐ ॐ जय जा महागौरी मैया ॐ ॐ जय जा महागौरी

ॐ ॐ जय जा महागौरी मैया ॐ ॐ जय जा महागौरी

इस दिन की पूजा से बहक्तों को शुक्ष, समर्धित आउर कालान की प्रत्ति है. इस अश्तमी को शिष्ट रूप से मा माहागूरी की क्रिपा का का परके करें है

For any specific issue , please contact my office @ +91 9999113366 . May God grant you a happy life .

Upcoming festival 2024 :-  Dussehra 2024 | Diwali 2024 | Karva Chauth 2024

Read Also :-

Navratri 2024

नवरात्रि 2024 – देवियों की पूजा प्रक्रिया और अनुष्ठान

शारदीय नवरात्रि एक प्रमुख हिंदू त्योहार है, जिसे भारत भर में उत्साह और भक्ति से मनाया जाता है। यह नौ रातों और दस दिनों तक चलता है, जिसमें भक्त, देवी दुर्गा के नौ रूपों की पूजा करते हैं, जिन्हें नवदुर्गा के नाम से जाना जाता है। प्रत्येक रूप देवी के अलग-अलग गुणों का प्रतीक है, और यह साहस, ज्ञान, शक्ति, और करुणा जैसे जीवन के विभिन्न पहलुओं का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। नवरात्रि प्रारंभ गुरुवार, 3 अक्टूबर, 2024 – शनिवार, 12 अक्टूबर, 2024 .

यहाँ शारदीय नवरात्रि की नौ देवियों और उनकी पूजा करने के तरीकों का विवरण दिया गया है:

नवरात्रि  दिन 1 – शैलपुत्री  देवी

देवी का अवलोकन:  देवी शैलपुत्री, दुर्गा का पहला रूप, हिमालय की पुत्री हैं। वे एक हाथ में त्रिशूल और दूसरे में कमल लिए, बैल की सवारी करती हैं।
पूजा कैसे करें:

  • रंग: सफेद (शुद्धता का प्रतीक)
  • अनुष्ठान: घटस्थापना से शुरुआत करें, देवी के प्रतीक कलश की स्थापना करें। सफेद फूल, दूध और घी चढ़ाएँ। मंत्रों का जाप करें और दुर्गा सप्तशती का पाठ करें।

नवरात्रि  दिन 2 – ब्रह्मचारिणी  देवी 

देवी का अवलोकन:  देवी ब्रह्मचारिणी तपस्या और भक्ति का प्रतीक हैं। वे एक हाथ में माला और दूसरे हाथ में जल का घड़ा रखती हैं।
पूजा कैसे करें:

  • रंग: लाल (भक्ति और प्रेम का प्रतीक)
  • अनुष्ठान: चीनी और फल चढ़ाएँ, घी का दीपक जलाएँ। उनके मंत्रों का जाप करें और चमेली के फूल अर्पित करें।

नवरात्रि  दिन 3 – चंद्रघंटा  देवी

देवी का अवलोकन: देवी चंद्रघंटा अपनी बहादुरी और सुरक्षात्मक प्रकृति के लिए जानी जाती हैं। उनके माथे पर अर्धचंद्र है।
पूजा कैसे करें:

  • रंग: रॉयल नीला (शांति और परिवर्तन का प्रतीक)
  • अनुष्ठान: दूध, मिठाई और खीर चढ़ाएँ। आरती करें और उनके स्तोत्र का जाप करें।

नवरात्रि  दिन 4 – कुष्मांडा देवी

देवी का अवलोकन: कुष्मांडा देवी ने अपनी मुस्कान से ब्रह्मांड का निर्माण किया। चतुर्थी के दिन माँ कूष्मांडा की आराधना की जाती है।
पूजा कैसे करें:

  • रंग: पीला (चमक और खुशी का प्रतीक)
  • अनुष्ठान: मालपुआ, फूल और कद्दू चढ़ाएँ। धूपबत्ती से पूजा करें और सरसों के तेल का दीपक जलाएँ।

नवरात्रि दिन 5 – स्कंदमाता देवी

देवी का अवलोकन: नवरात्रि का पाँचवाँ दिन स्कंदमाता की उपासना का दिन होता है। स्कंदमाता भगवान कार्तिकेय की माता हैं, जो मातृ प्रेम का प्रतीक हैं।
पूजा कैसे करें:

  • रंग: हरा (विकास और पोषण का प्रतीक)
  • अनुष्ठान: केले, फल और पीले फूल चढ़ाएँ। उनके मंत्रों का जाप करें और भक्ति से आरती करें।

नवरात्रि दिन 6 – कात्यायनी देवी

देवी का अवलोकन: देवी कात्यायनी दुर्गा का उग्र रूप हैं, जिन्होंने राक्षस महिषासुर को हराया।
पूजा कैसे करें:

  • रंग: नारंगी (वीरता का प्रतीक)
  • अनुष्ठान: शहद और गेंदे के फूल चढ़ाएँ। उनके स्तोत्र का जाप करें और देवी को लाल वस्त्र अर्पित करें।

नवरात्रि दिन 7 – कालरात्रि देवी

देवी का अवलोकन: कालरात्रि देवी दुर्गा का सबसे उग्र रूप हैं, जो अंधकार और बुराई का नाश करती हैं।
पूजा कैसे करें:

  • रंग: सफेद (शांति का प्रतीक)
  • अनुष्ठान: गुड़, मिठाई और तिल चढ़ाएँ। तिल के तेल का दीपक जलाएँ और उनके स्तोत्र का पाठ करें।

नवरात्रि दिन 8 – महागौरी देवी

देवी का अवलोकन: देवी महागौरी शांति और पवित्रता का प्रतीक हैं।
पूजा कैसे करें:

  • रंग: गुलाबी (आशा और करुणा का प्रतीक)
  • अनुष्ठान: नारियल, मिठाई और कमल के फूल चढ़ाएँ। चंदन की धूप से आरती करें और उनके मंत्रों का पाठ करें।

नवरात्रि दिन 9 – सिद्धिदात्री देवी

देवी का अवलोकन: देवी सिद्धिदात्री सर्वोच्च देवी हैं, जो भक्तों को अलौकिक शक्तियाँ प्रदान करती हैं।
पूजा कैसे करें:

  • रंग: बैंगनी (महत्वाकांक्षा और शक्ति का प्रतीक)
  • अनुष्ठान: तिल और फूल चढ़ाएँ। कपूर से आरती करें और अनार को प्रसाद के रूप में अर्पित करें।

नवरात्रि के दौरान पूजा के सामान्य सुझाव

  • उपवास: कई भक्त उपवास रखते हैं और केवल सात्विक भोजन करते हैं, जैसे फल और दूध।
  • घटस्थापना: नवरात्रि की शुरुआत में कलश स्थापित करें।
  • आरती और भजन: प्रतिदिन देवी के लिए आरती करें और भजन गाएँ।
  • सजावट: पूजा स्थल को फूलों और रंगोली से सजाएँ।
  • भोग चढ़ाना: सात्विक व्यंजन तैयार करें और प्रसाद के रूप में चढ़ाएँ।

इस प्रकार, नवरात्रि के प्रत्येक दिन देवी की पूजा करने से विशेष आशीर्वाद प्राप्त होता है।

Read more :-  Child Prediction |  Finance prediction | IVF Prediction

किसी भी विशिष्ट मुद्दे के लिए, मेरे कार्यालय @ +91 9999113366 से संपर्क करें। भगवान आपको एक खुशहाल जीवन आनंद प्रदान करें।

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How to know Right Time for Conceive a Baby According to Astrology

Conception is a game of chances, but it is still possible to have your dream child, by selecting the right muhurta for conception. Certain days, tithis and nakshatras offer conducive muhurtas for conception which when followed, makes the child bearing experience easy and welcome.

Sometimes, after a failure of IVF method of conception, gloom and disillusionment may set in the family members. During such times, adoption is advised to help them to embrace adopted child as their own and feel fulfilled as a family. Let us know the right time for conceiving a baby through astrological advice.

Right Time for Conceive a Baby

According to children prediction by astrology, the right moment for conception depends on factors like zodiac signs, transits lunar cycles, and placement of Venus.

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Leo signs offer the best muhurtas for conception. Auspicious placement of Venus shows that the time is ideal for conception. It is believed that menstrual cycles are in alignment with lunar cycles.

According to Vedic astrology, there are certain auspicious timings for conceiving a child. The sixteenth and fourth days of the lunar month are always lucky, and ensure a successful pregnancy.

Best time in my horoscope to conceive a baby boy

As per child astrology, it is the birth chart and planetary combinations that decide the best time for childbirth. Also, Jupiter and Venus transits, provide the best muhurtas for fertility and conception.

As far as the time is concerned, ideal time is between the 4th and 16th night of the menstrual cycle. Conception on even nights such as the 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, and 16th gives rise to a male child, whereas odd nights such as the 5th, 9th, 7th, 11th, 15th and 13th would result in the birth of a female child. Among the other nights, the 8th, 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 15th, and 16th nights are just the right time to conceive a baby.

The best nakshatras for conception are the fixed nakshatras, of Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashadha, UttaraBhadhra, Rohini, Mrigashira, Anuradha, Hastha, Swati, Dhanistha, and Shatabhisha. A good conception nakshatra ensures wellbeing of the future child and smooth pregnancy.

The best tithis for conception are 1, 3, 10, 12, 5, 7, and 13. Thursday, Wednesday Friday, and Monday are the best days to conceive.

During the right muhurta for conception, the benefic planets would be in Kendra and trikona while malefic planets occupy upachayas. Moon should occupy an odd navamsha and the ascendant must have the aspect of Sun, Jupiter and Mars on it. Strength of Moon, in the horoscopes of the couple, should be checked to see if the timing augurs well for conception. Read more When will I be able to conceive

Best Time for Adoption

Time for adoption needs to be carefully selected in order to find the right child that suits your needs. Amongst the nakshatras, Pushya, Anuradha, and Purva Falguni are deemed auspicious for child adoption. Good tithis for this are Prathama, Dwitiya, Tritiya, Panchami, Saptami, Dashami, Ekadashi and Thrayodashi.

In the Muhurta Kundali, Moon should not be found in the fourth, eighth or twelfth sign from the “name sign” of the child or its parents. Also check the Karana, Hora, and Rahukala so that the inauspicious moments could be avoided for adoption.

Adoption should begin on an auspicious day, like Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday and Friday. Beneficial planets such as Jupiter should be present in the ascendant, which should be a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio), preferably, as it ensures a stable life for the child.

At the time of adoption, the Ascendant should be situated auspiciously. If the fifth, ninth and tenth house have beneficial effects or a benefic has occupied these houses, and also if malefic, at the same time, are placed in third, sixth, eleventh houses, this is the best time for adoption.

Sun Sign will tell us all about the child’s basic personality type and inclinations. Moon Sign unravels the emotional attributes, and habits of the child. The ascendant is the foremost factor to consider while assessing the child’s personality, level of social interaction and conversation skills, Planetary configurations have significance of their own.

Bad or good planetary influences can certainly show up the pluses and minuses of the child’s personality so that you will know what to focus on.

In Conclusion

The challenges of upbringing a child can be minimized by understanding the astrological background of the child. Which helps to know your Healthy prediction and personality. Planetary alignment and lunar phases can have a particularly powerful impact on the growing fetus. Moon meditation and moon gazing boost moons energy in the pregnant woman for conception and easy pregnancy.  Following the best time to conceive a baby is extremely necessary.

Any specific issue, connect with my office @ +91 9999113366. God bless you with a happy life.


What Does Your Horoscope Say About a Government Job

The most cherished dream of an Indian in usual circumstances is to fulfil either his American or government job dream and settle happily for life. America, being a farfetched dream, is mostly attainable for a fistful of Indians whereas hence government jobs are the second-best options that can be successfully availed using a bit of will and work.

Government job astrology

Government jobs are also lucrative and permanent, and offer a lifetime of security elevated social status and safety. Firstly, even before trying for these jobs, we need to be doubly sure if it is in our destiny and planetary will.   Mostly it is the 10th and 6th houses that are scrutinized for this purpose. We then study the planetary influences, and the governing lords of these houses to know our prospects in detail.

To improve your lucky prospects for government career, it is advised to apply for job or write the exam when Jupiter is in your tenth house. If you are undergoing the mahadasha or antardasha of Sun, Mars, Moon or the Dasha lord, it is all the better as per Government job astrologyWe will analyse how the horoscope helps to attain a government job.

Government Job Yoga in my Kundali

  • The luminaries, namely Sun and Moon and the planetary teacher, Saturn are majorly responsible for conferring the government job in that order of importance.
  •      Saturn, well placed and aspected, awards progress in any career. Moon is very prominent in the horoscopes of officers of Indian foreign service.
  • Secondarily, Mars indicates the military or the police. If you are into education sector, then Jupiterian influence is most importantly needed.
  • Jupiter’s association with Sun or Saturn in Lagna, or fifth, sixth, tenth or eleventh house, is a surefire indicator of an administrative job.
  • Saturn associated with Saturn also reflects the same in thebirth chart.
  • Yogas like Gaja Kesari Yoga (when Moon and Jupiter in mutual Kendra), Adhi Yoga (when Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter placed in 6th, 7th, and 8th house from Moon) and Panch Mahapurusha Yogas also form powerful government job Yogas.
  • When Lagna Lord is associated with Jupiter, Sun, Mars and Saturn, it blesses with prospects of a government job.
  • Jupiter in the fourth, and powerful planets in the ascendant, ninth and tenth house, should have powerful planets to help you get into a government career
  • Venus Moon Jupiter in the 5th house confer contractual government jobs.
  • For jobs related to armed forces and police, the 12thlord should be in either 11th, 2nd, Kendra or Trikona with Mars in the 11th, or 6th or the third house.
  •  Typing related government jobs usually indicated by the placement of Mercury in the sixth house of the horoscope.
  • Sun indicates government jobs, Mars denotes police and judiciary, Mercury governs the area of railways and insurance. Jupiter is related to law, Rahu and Ketu help you with respect to Mars related jobs.
  •     If Aries is your tenth house, then you would be lucky for armed forces or medical profession.  If it is Taurus, then you will go for financial department.  Gemini indicates a job in the department of communication. Cancer rules water department. Leo will have natural luck with forest department.
  • While Virgo and Scorpio rule technology and engineering department Libra and Sagittarius are suitable for judiciary.  Capricorn as your tenth house boosts your chances in service industry, whereas Aquarius, fulfils its high-flying ambitions with jobs in the aeronautical department. Pisces as a tenth sign, would propel you into the merchant navy.
  • 6th House, being the house of service, helps the job aspirant to clear competitive exams. The 11thhouse, which is indicative of success ensures the same.
  • Government Job Prediction Based on Date of Birth
  • 6th house is used for studying service and job. It should be more powerful compared to 7th
  • The 10th lord and the house which it occupies, points at the sector that is lucky for you to work in.
  • Sun should be either in 1-5-9 or in 4-8-12 to land a job in civil services.
  • Saturn and sun should be mutually in in a relationship of or 5-9, 4-10 or 3-11.

If you ask if there is a Will I get a Govt Job, the summary above will answer you satisfactorily.


Government job is the latest fad in the career prediction, and lakhs of people queue up every year, to write the competitive exams, which is judged to be the second most challenging exam in the world.  Everywhere Government jobs vacancies get filled up within the blink of an eyelid as it is a totally elevating experience to travel in a staff car with its lucrative perquisites. Have an understanding of how horoscope influences your government job prospects. Read more Govt job or Pvt Job which will be good for me

Any specific issue, connect with my office @ +91 9999113366. God bless you with a happy life.

Read More :- Finance astrology | Children astrology

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How Astrology can help you Decide the Best Time for Child Adoption

Astrology, as an oracular science, offers an in-depth study of associated disciplines, child adoption astrology being the foremost of them. It is a relationship, where compassion and empathy form the back bone and it plays a phenomenal role in bringing together two people, from totally disconnected backgrounds and DNA, to play the role of family and continue the journey together. Here is how astrology helps decide the best muhurta for adopting a child.

Child Adoption Astrology

Child adoption by astrology is a powerful tool that helps to choose the right candidate for adoption.  Of all houses in the horoscope, fifth house is considered for deciding about adoption and checking this house for malefic influences is very necessary. If this house is aspected or occupied by malefics, one can expect hurdles and successful adoption can be assured only if this house is not afflicted.

Best Time for Child Adoption by Kundali

Certain chosen timings work magically for the process of child adoption. Knowing the best time for child adoption by kundali is extremely crucial.

  1. It is a God send opportunity if Jupiter is in Lagna at the time of adoption process.
  2.  If malefic are situated in 11th, 6th and 3rd or benefice planets are present in these houses, it is a surefire sign that time has come for adoption.
  3. Chandra Shuddhi is paramount to success of adoption process and hence moon should be not be present in the 12th, 8thand 4th sign, from the name sign of parents or of the child to be adopted.
  4. If the 2ndhouse is powerful and fortified, it shows that one has sufficient resources to manage the expenses that an additional child incurs.
  5.  Time has arrived for adoption if dasha of Jupiter or the fifth lord have begun.
  6. Jupiter and Saturn transits, especially herald the arrival of additional family member through adoption process.
  7. Most propitious nakshatras to consider adoption are pubba, Anuradha, and Pushya.
  8. One can expect the adoption process to be smooth if it is initiated on Prathama, dwiteeya, tritiya, panchami, Saptami, dashami, Ekadashi and trayodashi tithis.
  9. Out of all weekdays, Friday, Thursday, Sunday and Tuesday augur well for child adoption.
  10. Good adoption opportunities can be expected from the overseas if benefic planets are seated in the ninth house.
  11. Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, well placed in and aspecting the fifth house creates a conducive environment for child adoption.  Read more When will I be able to conceive

Child Adoption Yoga in Kundali

Planetary combinations, aspects, transits, and placements can play a momentous role in altering or creating individual fortunes especially with respect to child adoption.

  1. The 5th lord in association with Mars, and receiving Saturn’s aspect.
  2. 12th house occupied by malefics, with Saturn in fifth and Rahu in fourth houses.
  3. A prominent benefic planet in the 5th house not receiving benefic aspects.
  4. Mars and Saturn in 5th house and ascendant lord associated with mercury.
  5. The 5th house being Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius, or Capricorn, associated with Saturn by occupation or aspect.
  6. Afflicted seventh house invariably leads one to adopt a child.
  7. If lord of Lagna conjoins with Mercury, adopting a child is imminent.
  8. Ketu in the 12th to Jupiter
  9. The 5th lord or 5th house associated with the lords of the 12th, 8th and 6th houses.
  10. The 5th house is ruled by Mars and occupied by Saturn and Rahu.
  11. Jupiter or the fifth house lord occupying the house of Mercury.
  12. Saturn in the 5th, and a weak Jupiter;
  13. A strong and well-placed 5th house, having Jupiter in it, improves the chances of hassle-free adoption.
  14. Saturn and Mars associated with the 5th house in any way, paves the way to child adoption.
  15. The fifth house lord occupies the houses of Saturn and Mercury.
  16. People born under barren lagnas, for example, Libra, Aquarius, Virgo and Taurus, as a rule, are highly likely to consider adoption.

Child yoga in kundali is a great aid to know what is to be expected in the future with respect to the foster child.

Read Also :-  Consultation for Perfect Baby Name


Children, whether adopted or biological, are a slice of heaven sent to relish on earth, no matter how difficult the parenting gets, in course of time.  Compassion and thoughtfulness are required, thought, word and deed, when it comes to taking care of the treasures of your life.  Know well in advance, the child that is waiting to belong to you, through astrological calculations that can never fail.  It is best to follow planetary guidance when it comes to choosing kids, just the way we choose our business partners. Astrology can let us decide the ideal timing to choose a child for adoption. Any specific issue, connect with my office @ +91 9999113366. God bless you with a happy life. Read more How to increase Life Span

Read more: Career Prediction |Medical Astrology  IVF Prediction

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how to improve financial condition by birth chart

We all know financial well-being is a crucial aspect of our lives. While there are traditional methods such as budgeting, investing and financial planning that are commonly used to improve financial status, financial astrology is another intriguing approach that many rely upon. What if your financial future could be guided with the help of planetary arrangements at the time of your birth? You can gain unique perspectives based on how the planetary positions were at the time of your birth and how they make an impact on money matters and business success.

However, many people are still unaware of the fact that financial astrology has the potential to unlock deep insights into financial opportunities and upcoming challenges. Many people still think astrology is a mystical practice and has little or irrelevant application in practical life. Whereas, astrology has the potential to offer relationship and compatibility advice, and it is nevertheless an excellent tool for gaining and enhancing insights about financial status.

Achieving financial well-being is similar to crafting a masterpiece where every decision you make, and every strategy has a vital role to play in order to create a larger picture of stability and success. Like an artist who aims to create an outstanding art piece and plans every brushstroke meticulously, planning a financial journey requires careful consideration and strategic planning. A well-rounded approach is a necessity to follow whether you want to increase income, decrease debt, or improve savings. Astrological insights are bound to clear all your doubts and uncertainties by helping you make well-informed decisions and enabling you to improve your strategies.

The key to unlocking the secrets to financial prosperity is hidden in your birth chart itself, as your birth chart is a treasure of information and holds a reservoir full of information related to various aspects of your life, and it clearly signifies potential financial opportunities and challenges that are unique to you. It can also be referred to as an astrological map that is created on the basis of your time and place of birth. One only needs an expert guide who can help them find all the relevant information about their potential financial opportunities and challenges. For an expert astrologer, knowing about your financial prosperity with the help of a birth chart can be as simple as looking up at the stars. Financial astrology provides profound insights into how the positions of planets at the time of your birth affect your money matters and business success.

Let’s find out how to enhance your financial status using astrological tips, identify which planets play a crucial role in business success and money matters with the help of money astrology, and find answers to common questions like “Will my investments be profitable” and “will I be able to pay off my home loan”.

Improve Financial Status with Astrological Tips

Astrology is often considered as a mystical guide as it is underrated due to the misconceptions and ill practices of some people having limited and inappropriate knowledge of the field. However, experts having genuine expertise and knowledge are certainly capable of providing most appropriate insights. Also, many don’t know that it can effectively give practical insights for improving the financial situation. By analysing birth chart, astrologers can address a plethora of questions related to financial stability and success.

Either you are looking for guidance on potential risks and returns for an investment or an ideal time period to make an investment. Astrology has answers to all financial queries and is capable of guiding you with the best solutions possible, provided you are in good hands. If the expert, who has the knowledge, guides you with the best advice, you can reach the heights you have dreamt of, whereas in the same situation if you fall prey of people who are unqualified or less informed of this field you will certainly suffer financial setbacks and also ruin your financial progress. Thus, misleading or misguiding advice will most likely result in the form of missed opportunities and financial hindrances, potentially derailing financial progress and causing undue stress. Some astrologers focus heavily on a single factor and provide an incomplete or misleading picture. An expert consultation is one where the astrologer takes into consideration all the factors that will influence financial success and depict an accurate financial condition by birth chart.

Here are some astrological tips to help you improve your financial status:

Know your Financial Houses

The concept of houses is crucial to understand in order to know how each house helps in interpreting varied aspects of an individual’s life. Each house is a domain of specific planet, indicating a specific area of life, both personal and professional.

The second, fifth, and the tenth houses hold the key to your financial future. The 2nd house represents personal wealth and income, the 5th house reveals aspects of investments, while the 10th house governs your career earnings, public standing and wealth.

By evaluating the planets and signs within these houses, you can gain valuable insights into your earning potential and identify areas that may require you to focus your attention. There are certain attributes reflected by each house in astrology, with each house reflecting different aspects of individual’s life and its ruling planet, also called as “lord” in astrology can also significantly influence financial progress.

While the second house reflects personal finances, assets and income, the lord of the second house how you earn and manage your money. Similarly, the fifth house is associated with investments and speculation, while the lord of the fifth house indicates your aptitude for profitable investments and how well you can use creative ideas for monetary benefits. While making an in-depth analysis of your birth chart, it is essential to check the placement of planets in these houses and the position of their respective lords as well. Inculcating astrological tips according to the positioning and influences of the planets on these houses would also be beneficial. Read more also Will my loan be beneficial for my business

Strengthen Benefice Planets and Mitigating Malefic Planets

Venus and Jupiter are considered benefice planet and are thus favorable for financial prosperity. Placement of these planets in your birth chart is thus considered essential to analyze to know about your financial condition by birth chart. For example, Venus in the Second house of the birth chart indicates natural financial talent and opportunities related to aesthetics and luxury. In order to improve your financial condition by birth chart, it is pivotal to strengthen the planets that are benefice and on the contrary mitigate the effect of malefic planets in birth chart with the help of suggested astrological remedies. Astrological remedies, however, vary from one stream of astrology to another. Some of the common streams of astrology are Lal kitaab, Vedic astrology and Chinese astrology. In Vedic astrology, the astrological remedies suggested by the astrologer are simple and practical such as wearing gemstones and performing specific rituals.

Timing Is Everything : –

Time is always considered to be a crucial component in various aspects of life, including financial planning. In Vedic astrology also, timing is considered to be a crucial aspect that influences the effectiveness of financial decisions and actions. Financial astrology suggests that astrological transits and periods must be considered in order to know what will be the outcome of your financial decisions accurately.

According to money astrology, there are specific times that are more suitable or maybe more auspicious for investments or financial decisions, while during other times, your financial decisions may not be fruitful enough.

For example- a dasha or transit of the favorable planet in your birth chart is indicative of positive outcomes for the financial decision taken, whereas decisions that are taken during dasha or transit of malefic or unfavorable planets are most likely to give adverse outcomes. However, the best thing about astrological guidance for financial concerns is that with timely consultation, you can improve your chances of financial success by aligning your actions with astrological influences.

Consult an Astrologer for Personalized Guidance :

A birth chart is an astrological map created based on your date, time and place of birth; astrologers with detailed analysis of the birth chart can provide meaningful insights into financial strengths and weaknesses. It is suggested to take personalized consultation from an expert astrologer rather than a generalized advice, as financial planning is a very crucial aspect of life and any misguidance can make your financial growth suffer. Specific recommendations that are based on the analysis of birth chart are more effective than general astrological suggestions. On the basis of the assessment of the birth chart, you can also improve your financial status with astrological tips. Some of the common remedies are wearing gemstones, performing specific rituals, chanting mantras, etc.

Which Planet Is Responsible for Business Success and Money?

In financial astrology, each planet has its unique role in shaping business success and financial stability. It is essential to understand the role of each planet as it can help in getting business success through astrology and money. Here are some planets that play a crucial role in financial success and their influences on financial and business outcomes:

  1. Jupiter: The planet of expansion and good fortune

Jupiter is known as the planet of wealth, expansion and prosperity, according to financial astrology. It is known to have a positive impact on enhancing the financial success of an individual. Jupiter often plays a positive role in enhancing financial success and is regarded as the most significant planet for financial success. However, it is important that we analyse the placement of Jupiter in the birth chart beforehand. For instance, If Jupiter is placed in the second or the fifth house, it indicates the individual may receive abundant opportunities for business expansion and financial growth. The transit of Jupiter, in this case, will make it an excellent time to pursue business initiatives and investments.

  • Venus: The planet of wealth and luxury

This planet is known to enhance wealth, beauty and attraction, and its influence has the ability to attract financial stability and manage resources effectively. A strong Venus in your birth chart indicates that you may attract opportunities for earning, sound financial condition and also improve your financial well-being. A well-placed Venus in the second or fifth house of your birth chart indicates success in industries related to art, fashion, luxury and entertainment. Also, if the Venus in these houses is well-aspected, it enhances your ability to attract financial opportunities, resources and provides favourable business relationships.

3.Mercury: The planet of communication and commerce

The placement of Mercury in your birth chart can impact your business dealings and financial negotiations. This planet is known to influence communication, commerce and intellectual pursuits. A favourable placement or transit of Mercury can enhance your ability to negotiate, communicate effectively and succeed in trade and commerce. Mercury’s positive influence guides you to make a career in writing, teaching, business. According to financial astrology, Mercury indicates commerce and trade, thus promising favourable financial condition by birth chart and business success by astrology.

4.Saturn: The planet of discipline, Responsibility and hard work

The key characteristics of Saturn are discipline, responsibility and hard work and thus it influences the financial stability of an individual through hard work, honesty, and determination. It is always beneficial to have a structured approach in business, as the positive influence of this planet emphasizes the person to have a well-structured approach in financial planning and management. Thus enabling growth and success in careers related to finance and management. A strong Saturn position will make you successful in fields related to discipline, organization and strategic planning. A person having positive Saturn will make a successful career in law, finance, management and other related fields.

Will My Investments Be Profitable?

One of the most common questions in financial astrology is “will my investments be profitable” or not. Astrologers examine your birth chart in detail and also take into consideration current planetary transits so as to provide apt insights into investment opportunities. The Key factors that influence the answer to this question are:

  • Current Planetary Transits: As we have discussed earlier, timing is an essential factor when taking decisions that refer to a particular period of time. Investments are usually of two types, short-term or long-term. Therefore, it is important to analyse the period of investment astrologically in your birth chart. If the period is governed by transits of favourable planets such as Jupiter or Venus, it can also signal good times for investments during their transits. Conversely, challenging aspects from planets like Saturn or Mars might suggest caution during the period of their transits.
  • Analysis of the specific houses: It is also essential that we take a look at the the specific house in the birth chart, that in particular signify profitability of investments. The 2nd House (personal wealth) and the 5th House (speculation and investment) both are considered to be critical in assessing potential returns on investment. Positive planetary influences and placements in these houses can indicate fruitful investment opportunities.

Will I Be Able to Pay Off My Home Loan?

With the aid of Financial astrology, you can also get guidance on managing and repaying significant financial obligations, such as home loans. With in-depth analysis of your birth chart, astrologer may be able to guide you about the factors that will help simplify this decision:

  • Checking Current Planetary Influences: Financial astrology suggests that transits of benefice planets such as Jupiter and Venus indicates successful financial management and loan repayment. Thus, loans taken during this period have chances of successful repayment. Negative influences may suggest a need for appropriate astrological remedies. Also, if there is any upcoming transit of the lord of the sixth house, it may enhance your chances of increasing your debt and the position and it might become difficult to pay off your loans easily.
  • Analysing planets in the Financial Houses: Along with transits, the placement and position of planets in the 2nd house and the sixth house are important to analyse. Analysis of planets in the 2nd House (income) is important because it will indicate the ability of the individual to pay off loans whereas the planets in the 6th House (debts and loans) and their lords can reveal the ability to handle debt and make timely repayments.
  • Astrological Remedies: Astrological remedies, such as specific rituals or gemstone recommendations, may be suggested depending on the planetary arrangement, influences and transits in order to improve financial stability and aid in loan repayment.

Read more :- Will I Be Able to Pay Off My Home Loan in Astrology

In essence, it is vital that we integrate astrological advice with appropriate financial strategies so that you can take a more holistic approach towards achieving financial well-being. However, make sure that the astrological guidance that you receive from the astrologer is based on a comprehensive analysis of your birth chart. So, rather than general recommendations, try to emphasize on specific or customized guidance, to make effective financial decisions from Mumbai Astro. By consulting with a knowledgeable astrologer and applying the insights derived from your birth chart, you can navigate financial challenges more effectively and capitalize on opportunities that align with your astrological strengths. A blend of astrological guidance and practical financial planning can lead to a more informed and strategic path to financial prosperity.

Thus, you can attain a distinctive viewpoint on financial stability and growth by integrating astrological insights into your financial strategy. One can gain valuable guidance on optimizing your financial strategies and planning by understanding the roles of different planetary placements. Personalized astrological guidance is thus recommended that provides customized insights to your specific birth chart, ensuring that advice is relevant and you can take actions appropriately to gain business success by astrology. 

If Any specific issue, connect with my office @ +91 9999113366. God bless you for a happy life.

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IVF Predictions Harnessing Astrology for Successful Conception

IVF is a revolutionary alternative aimed at childless couples that are infertile due to so many reasons. When all infertility treatments have failed, IVF is the only glowing ray of hope. With IVF you can time your baby’s arrival when you are ready financially and psychologically to welcome it. Genetic screening done before IVF on the foetuses ensure the birth of healthy babies.

IVF Predictions:  Harnessing Astrology for Successful Conception

If used with the astrological tools, the chances of accidental mishaps can certainly be averted. Using astrology for successful IVF conception is highly recommended.

Right time for IVF as per birth chart

The same factors that decide the normal course of fertility and conception apply to the IVF conception scenario. The timing for regular conception is the same as the timing chalked out for IVF conception. An able astrologer will check planets like Jupiter, Venus, and the Moon, and the fifth house, dashas and Yogas thoroughly for indications of problems or good luck with respect to fertility.

Astrological guidance acts as a complementary tool along side the medical guidance and enhances the luck factor in your fertility quest. Right time for IVF as per birth chart has to be analysed and foretold.

Children conceived during new moon, are mentally strong.  The waxing moon babies will be fit and healthy. Full moon babies will be caring and excessively attached to mothers. Waning moon babies will have an individualistic streak and are easily adaptable.

Ketu placed in the Nakshatra at the time of IVF conception results in miscarriages. Rahu in this Nakshatra shows that an ancestor will be born again in the family. Saturn in the same nakshatra implies the birth of a weak child. Jupiter’s aspect on the moon assures the successful birth of a healthy child through IVF.

If Jupiter or moon is in fifth, it indicates easy and trouble-free delivery. Presence of malefic planets in the fifth and afflicted Venus will cause difficulties in birthing, even miscarriages. The timing of child birth can also be indicated by the transits of planets through the 5th house.

When is the best time in my horoscope to conceive a baby boy

Having a baby boy is a matter of happiness for parents due to their own reasons. Saturn in ascendant and odd houses, indicates sons.  If fifth lord is placed in a male constellation (Aswini to Mrigasira and from Moola to Revati), it is going to be a male child. If the 5th lord’s star lord is male, the child will be male. If the Moon mars and Venus are in Gemini and Sagittarius and have Mercury aspecting them, male twins will be born. So if you ask when is the best time in my horoscope to conceive a baby boy, your question is answered here.

Will I ever have kids

Will I ever have kids is a question that bothers all women at some point in time.  To know about this, you need to know if you have fertility Yogas and if so, the timings for conception to make childbirth a successful activity. Fertility is high when Moon is in CancerScorpio and Pisces.  It is just at normal level when it is in LibraTaurus and Capricorn and at its lowest when he Is In AriesGeminiLeoVirgoSagittarius and Aquarius. This is generally speaking.

Venus in the fifth house of your horoscope indicates daughters whereas Mars can indicate sons. Saturn in the fifth restricts child bearing yoga.

Secondarily fertility is decided by fourth house the eighth house, and eleventh house, and seventh house as well. But it is the fifth house that is most importantly considered. If fifth house and its lord are strongly placed, right from conception to gestation the pregnancy will be uneventful or without issues.

For smooth child birth and good kids, your Jupiter needs to be well placed without malefic influences. If he is weakly placed, having a child becomes difficult. Also, ninth house lord should not be afflicted.

Similarly, there are fertile (Venus, Jupiter), semi fertile (Mercury), virile (Sun and Mars), and non-fertile (Saturn) planets that decide the incidence of child birth without hassles.

Child astrology

Child Astrology gives inkling into the characteristic attributes of a child through the stars, signs and the birth chart.  So, by knowing the type and intellect of the child parents can devise ways how to bring up the child and make them successful. As each child’s horoscope is different the personality at all levels is represented in a child’s horoscope. Children are born different based on their ascendant, the moon sign, the planetary strength and positions.

Astrological consultation for child related issue

Astrological consultations for child birth are held both on offline and online mode. Firstly, your birth details are collected in your first call with the astrologer and a convenient day for consultation is fixed. He will create and compare the divisional charts to reveal your problem and remedies later. After about a week, he will hold the final session wherein he will tell you how and when the problems will be resolved. He will in detail inform you about pregnancy and, precautionary measures. Read more also: Mumbai Astrologer

Any specific issue, connect with my office @ +91 9999113366. God bless you with a happy life.